Dumb Ways to Die

Hats off to Melbourne Australia’s Metro Trains transportation safety. They came up with a wildly successful safety PSA.

Any public relations professional knows one of the hardest things is getting your message across to your target audience and then having that audience remember said message. Metro Train transportation safety’s goal was to change the perception of safety for the younger generation.

According to Leah Waymark, General Manager Corporate Relations, Metro Trains, “We set out to find an innovative way to reach young people who see themselves as indestructible. We felt images of body bags were more likely to have an impact on their parents, so we wanted to engage with young people in a way we think they might appeal to them a bit more. The campaign evolved out of discussion with platform staff and drivers who witness people risking their safety around train stations and at level crossings.”

The three minute video is full of bright colors and whimsical characters killing themselves in “dumb” ways i.e. dressing up like a moose during hunting season or swallowing super glue. The tune is catchy as well. You may even find yourself humming it on the way to work.

Do you think this video gets their message across? What would you add or take away?

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